The problem is, at this point, scientists are so engrossed in their scientific game that they are unwilling to hear about anything metaphysical or supernatural not only as an explanation at the micro-level for some natural phenomenon but also at the macro level, as an explanation for the existence of the universe and the laws of nature in general. Scientists have already developed antibodies to any supernatural claim, that many times they will insist on rejecting metaphysics completely, claim nothing is beyond nature, and that scientific explanation is the final explanation. But this claim is completely beyond the authority of scientists. Whether it is true or not, scientists have no special knowledge on the subject. In what may be an apocryphal story about a French astronomer, Laplace presented to Napoleon his theory of the structure of the universe. When Napoleon asked him why he did not mention GOD in his book, he replied: “I do not need this hypothesis.”
A typical scientist’s answer, but questionable nonetheless: Even if GOD is not necessary as data in the equation, is he not needed as the explanation for the existence of the equation itself? To the same laws that prevail in the universe?