Scientists zealously defend the theory of evolution, in a way that gives the impression that it is the only possible explanation for the existence of life. But this of course is not true; it may be the only natural explanation (again, assuming it is indeed a successful explanation), but definitely not the only explanation. The alternative theory, which involves an intelligent force in the process is an excellent and much more intuitive explanation, whose sole disadvantage is that it is not “scientific.”
It should be noted that the fear of trampling on the supernatural is understandable. Scientists fear that once they open the door to the existence of some supernatural being, all the demons, spirits, and witches that science has worked so hard to eliminate from the world will burst in.
Humanity will return to medieval superstitions, and all scientific achievements will collapse. However, there is no justification for moving to the opposite extreme as a result, and to deny supernatural intervention even when the alternative explanations are much more pressing. This is already jealous dogmatism, which leads to the complete opposite of the goal of science to explain reality in the best, most objective way.