In fact, the natural sciences play a game similar to the well-known game “yes, no, black and white.” The game of science is: “Let us try to explain all natural reality, without mentioning any supernatural being.” Note: the scientist does not claim that such entities do not exist, nor that they do not provide a possible explanation for reality. The scientist is just trying to get along without them.
Because of this, every scientist is required to play by the rules of the game, which means any scientist asking how the world was created cannot answer “GOD created it” – even though that is a great answer – because it contradicts the rules of the game, and puts a supernatural being into the picture. Therefore he must give explanations about the big bang and all kinds of physical forces, without mentioning the name of GOD. Similarly, if the scientist asks himself how life was created, or how man appeared, he must not mention any supernatural power, and he must give an explanation in the form of the theory of evolution, which will explain everything from nature itself.