Having said this, one can understand why the existence of GOD is a proven fact just like the existence of gravity. Like gravity, GOD also constitutes an explanation for many separate phenomena: the existence of the universe, laws of nature, living and human beings, consciousnesses, miracles and experiences of revelation, and so on.
We will focus for the sake of interest on the existence of the universe and the laws of nature. Why does a universe exist at all? Why are there fixed laws of nature, which operate with such precision?
These questions can be answered in the following way: The universe and the laws of nature are basic facts, for which no more basic explanation can be sought. Indeed, it is just as much that can be argued about the fall of apples and the rotation of stars. But whoever sees the occurrence of apples falling as sufficient proof of the existence of gravity, there is no reason why he should not see the existence of the universe and the laws of nature as sufficient proof of the existence of a more basic force behind them, which is GOD. The principle of frugality works here too: The less tough the facts are, the better. If so, it is better to see in the existence of GOD the explanation for the existence of the universe for all the phenomena and laws of nature in it and to see in it this singular hard fact, rather than to attribute to each phenomenon an independent status of hard fact.
In other words, both gravity and GOD are an explanation for reality, through the position of the unfamiliar. He who senses gravity has no reason to not believe in GOD, and he who denies GOD can equally deny gravity. In terms of their proofs, both are equal.