Therefore, if we want to live a good and meaningful life and build for ourselves a system of beliefs and knowledge, we must assume that GOD is good and trustworthy, and that he does not usually deceive us. The option of a deceiving GOD simply does not lead to anything good. It simply does not serve our purpose in life or lead to a happy life. After all, it is like choosing whether to be optimistic or pessimistic.
Some people choose pessimism because they are afraid that optimism is an illusion, but why should the feeling of fear that optimism is wrong outweigh the feeling of hope that it is true?
There is nothing rational or logical in preferring the worse option of the two. It is simply a surrender to fear and apprehension instead of hope and faith. For as long as we have no other way to decide between the possibilities, the obvious choice is the more proactive, constructive, and positive option, according to which GOD is good and can be trusted, as are his words and the tools he has given us through which to know reality.
There are two ways to think about this issue. We can believe that GOD is a liar and evil and live in distrust of GOD, people, and the world. Or, we can believe GOD is good and trust ourselves, humanity, and GOD. Since we can’t prove this either way, we might as well assume that GOD is good and trustworthy and move on from that foundation.